AFReG Devotions 24 May 2022

Titus 2:11-13
11 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ…
Living Differently
Jesus Christ came into the world to bring a different way of living into this age in which we live. How people live in this present world leads to destruction, and we see this all around us. We recognize that it is not just in our lifetime that man has been doing evil to one another, but from the beginning of time.
We needed the God factor to make a difference in how we live and treat one another, for we were failing miserably and unable to do what was right in our strength. In addition, people are generally selfish and often primarily do what benefits them. Many persons are ignorant of right and wrong, which is becoming increasingly so in the 21st century.
Jesus Christ came not only to show and teach us how to live but also to give us the power to live right. So it is through Jesus we have received grace to become what we should be and when we live His way, we will be a blessing to others.
Grace Required
The grace of God enables us; that is, it provides the power for us to love our fellow man and do good to them rather than seeking our own pleasure or our own good. This grace that comes through Jesus Christ also frees us from the control of our desires and the power of the Devil, who holds persons in bondage to do his evil will.
Therefore, by this grace, we are taught and live a life in this world that is sensible and wise, one that is self-controlled, one that seeks to do right and does not promote evil against others but good, and one that demonstrates a fear of God.
A New Order
Generally speaking, in our earthly experience, newly appointed leaders bring a new order of government into a nation. Jesus came into the world to bring a new order and a new way of living by His grace. This new order and a new way of living are experienced in our lives when we become members of His Kingdom. When we are a member of His Kingdom, we live under a new rule and authority and a new order. Jesus came into the world to invite people into His new order and Kingdom, available to all.
One day He will come for all those who have surrendered, aligned, and received His Kingdom. And so we all should be waiting eagerly for that day.
Our Influence
However, while we await His return, He wants us, as citizens of His Kingdom, to represent His lifestyle, order, and way to others, being people zealous for good works in all aspects of society: in government, marriage, family, work, community and looking out for the poor, weak, oppressed and vulnerable.
As we live in this manner, our influence on the world will have a positive impact because our lives will also prophesy the nature of the new order that is coming to the world. And as we as His people wait for the Lord’s return from all over the planet, we are also prophesying that the new order is undoubtedly coming and will certainly envelop the whole world.
This new order, the Kingdom of God, which will envelop the whole earth when Jesus returns, will result in righteousness, peace, and joy filling the entire world. Let us, through our lives as believers, demonstrate this new order and, in so doing, invite others into this good, eternal, unshakeable Kingdom.