Growing in Our Knowledge of God (Determining God’s Will)

How do we know God’s will for us?

The ability to discern the will of God is a natural byproduct of spiritual transformation (Romans 12:2). We demonstrate our commitment by being transformed through renewed minds. Becoming transformed helps us to know God’s thoughts and plans for us, and as a result of being transformed, we get to know God’s will for our life. In fact, we prove what the will of God is.

Paul says the reason for this renewal of our mind is for you “to prove” what is the good, well pleasing and perfect will of God. The word translated “prove” is the Greek word dokimazo (Strong’s Concordance, 1381). The word dokimazo can mean to prove, test, or discern. To test God’s will is to look differently and to ask what He wants. We need to seek after what is good and acceptable according to His purposes. We are to explore and investigate God’s will, similar to testing a metal by putting it through the crucible of fire.

How do we prove the will of God? We can align our lives to God’s good and perfect will by taking the following steps.

1. Surrender your personal desires.

As you seek God’s will, it’s important to be sure you are fully open to whatever God wants (Romans 12:1). Present yourself as a holy, living sacrifice to God.

2. Meditate on God’s Word.

Do not be conformed to the superficial values and customs of the world. Rather, renew your mind according to God and His Word for us (Romans 12:2).

3. Spend focused time in prayer.

Pray that you will be changed from the inside out. Recognize what God is calling you to do. Ask God what He wants for you. Listen to God and be faithful in prayer.

4. Seek other people’s advice.

We live in community with one another. Discuss your thoughts and desires with others in the body of Christ (Romans 12:3-8). Other fellow believers, who have varying spiritual gifts, can help you as you seek to discern God’s will.

5. Consider your circumstances.

Imitate Christ. Love and be devoted to one another. Serve the Lord passionately. Joyfully encourage others. Be patient in all situations. Practice generosity and hospitality. Live in peace with everyone. Bless your enemies. Overcome evil by doing good (Romans 12:9-21).

6. Think through your decision with a sound mind.

God has given to us a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). This sound mind is a result of a calm, well-balanced mind, and self-control.

7. Step out in faith and obedience to God’s leading in your life.

When we know God and follow His perfect will for us, we can lead change and transformation by the power of Holy Spirit.

Personal Application

Spend some time praying and ask God to renew your mind and show you His good and perfect will for you.  

  • How does the “renewing of your mind” happen?

  • In what current situation do you need to know God’s will? What can you do to find it?

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