In the Bible, several passages deal with our current theme of “Jesus Christ our Model Leader on Earth,” and this devotional’s sub-theme of “Jesus Christ: His Mission.”
We’re going to look at a few of those passages and draw lessons from the leadership model of Jesus Christ and His Mission to inspire us.
This study will enable us to identify six types of leadership, namely:
1. Sacrificial leadership
2. Gathering leadership
3. Exemplary leadership
4. Values-based leadership
5. Servant leadership
6. Visionary leadership
We will cover the first three types of leadership this week and in the next devotional, the other three types will be shared.
1. Sacrificial leadership (John 3:16)
In John 3:16, Jesus Christ’s mission is to save everyone in the world who believes in Him. John 3:15 compares the serpent raised by Moses in the desert to the raising of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Thanks to God’s immeasurable love, Jesus was willing to come into the world to teach, heal, and then die for our sins. He was resurrected on the third day. His leadership in teaching and good works culminated in His sacrifice at the Cross: to die for the world, for sinners.
In John 6:54, Jesus says: “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” Here, Jesus’ sacrificial leadership takes on its full meaning, as it refers to His physical death and resurrection.
As leaders, we must learn to sacrifice for God’s cause, and not just for a cause. Without sacrifice, there are few results.
Reflection: In the exercise of my leadership, following Jesus’ mission and leadership model, what sacrifice must I make to win souls for Him and to positively influence society?
2. Gathering Leadership (Luke 19:10)
Luke 19 tells the story of Zacchaeus and the criticism of those who could not understand how Jesus could enter the house of a sinner. In the face of such harsh criticism, Jesus closes the debate by declaring that “the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10).
In our respective functions and the exercise of our leadership, we must be gatherers like Jesus.
We must work hard and do good to all, to bring back if possible, even those who have given up on ministry, who have grown cold, or who are not yet saved or not yet members of our ministries.
Society is full of “lost” people whom no one cares about or takes into account. In the exercise of our leadership, we must be gatherers like Jesus.
Reflection: Who is the “Zacchaeus” that I must seek out and bring back to my leadership, according to the terms of the mission and the model of Jesus Christ?
3. Exemplary Leadership (John 8:12ff)
Describing His mission in John 8:12ff, Jesus announces that He is the light of the world. He adds that those who follow Him will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life. This statement sparked off a lively discussion with the Pharisees and other Jews, just after the adulterous woman was received.
Jesus is the leader par excellence who is the light of the world and casts out the darkness through His positive influence and exemplary actions. We, His disciples, have been given and bequeathed the same status of influence and exemplarity when He says in the same terms in Matthew 6:14: “You are the light of the world…it enlightens all who are in the house.” Just as we are the salt of the earth (Matthew 6:13), so too we are the light of the world.
Chapter 1 of John’s Gospel also speaks of the true light coming into the world to enlighten all men (John 1:9). With our leadership drawn from the mission and model of Jesus, we must enlighten the world. In other words, we need to set an example for the world in terms of our faith, our walk with God, and our sanctification. Society greatly needs leaders who are lights to the world.
Reflection: In what area of life and for what group can I be the light today, according to the mission and model of Jesus?
May God help us for the rest of our lives, to understand Jesus’ mission, to pursue it according to the supreme order, and to imitate His model of leadership during our life on earth.
Part 2:
In the next devotional, we will study Jesus’ model for three additional types of leadership: values-based leadership, servant leadership, and visionary leadership.